string Articles – SupplementReviewDigest Responsive Medical Health WordPress Theme Wed, 31 Mar 2021 23:23:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Articles – SupplementReviewDigest 32 32 Pre-workout supplements: good or bad? Wed, 31 Mar 2021 23:23:28 +0000 Pre-workout supplements have been a hot topic in the fitness industry for years. Some people swear by these supplements to help them get through their workouts while others are skeptical of their usefulness and effectiveness, not to mention the side effects they may cause.

For many people, if you’re looking to get a little extra boost before your workout, pre-workout supplements are a great way to achieve that. But what are the specific health effects of supplements? When should you take a pre-workout supplement? Do they even work? Let’s dive into these questions.

What are pre-workout supplements?

Pre-workout supplements are a type of supplement that is taken before an exercise routine to increase energy levels, strength, and endurance. They can also help stimulate the central nervous system to activate more muscle fibers in order to get more out of your workout. The goal of these supplements is to optimize your performance so you can get the most out of the time you spend working out.

The pre-workout supplement market is booming and it’s no surprise. With the increase in technology, we are constantly trying to improve our lives and make them easier. Pre-workouts supplements give us a boost of energy before our workout so that we can get through those last few reps or push ourselves just a little bit more than what felt possible without them.

What are the pros and cons of pre-workout supplements?

Many people enjoy taking pre-workout supplements before their workout, but there are many arguments against them as well. Let’s look at the pro’s and con’s of pre-workout supplements.

Pros: The ingredients in pre-workout supplements help improve your focus, stamina, motivation, and energy. They help you power through your workout and get better results faster.

Cons: One of the most common reasons for not using a pre-workout is that they can cause addiction, dependency, and insomnia. The boost that comes with the supplements comes at a cost; the boost can lead to overstimulation and dehydration too.

What are the specific health effects of pre-workout supplements?

In the last few years, there has been an exponential growth in the number of people who are using pre-workout supplements to improve their workout and give themselves that extra boost. But what are the specific health effects of these supplements? And is it possible for a person to overdose on them?

The health consequences of pre-workout supplements are not well studied, but one study showed that consuming a supplement containing caffeine and glucose can improve cognitive function. Also, there is evidence that some kinds of supplements can cause rapid heart rate.

The thing to watch out for with these supplements is the quality of the ingredients and the amount you intake. The most important thing is to make sure you use the right amount of pre-workout supplements. While it’s not likely, It is possible to overdose on caffeine, according to Medical News Today: “Caffeine overdose is very rare, but it is often related to energy drinks or caffeine supplements that can contain very high levels of this stimulant.”

When should you take a pre-workout supplement?

The question of when to take a pre-workout supplement is one that many people ask themselves. In the rush of our busy lives, it can be difficult to find the time for a proper breakfast before heading out the door. As such, many people turn to pre-workout supplements as an easy way to get their body energized and ready for exercise without having to prepare anything in advance.

You can use a pre-workout supplement anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour before you exercise, but there are cases where people have reported success with as little as 10 minutes. Listening to your body is the name of the game.

Do pre-workout supplements even work that well?

For many people, pre-workout supplements do work and are a beneficial option. It doesn’t take out the hard work from the workout; it just helps boost you when you’re there.

Different people benefit differently from pre-workouts. If you are an athlete, it can help with endurance and stamina. If you have low energy or are feeling lethargic, it can boost your mood and give that extra oomph to get going in the morning. It is also great for those who work out regularly but want a little more of a push before hitting the gym or running on the treadmill.

Ultimately, if you’re looking to take your workouts up a notch, then it might be worth considering adding the right type and amount of supplement for your body’s needs to give yourself just enough oomph when needed (without overdoing things).

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Ten Supplements Everyone Should Consider Tue, 21 Jul 2020 16:15:55 +0000 While you should try to get all of your nutrients through a regularly balanced and healthy diet, we all know that it can be difficult for the average person to track their intake throughout the day. Supplements are a great tool to help aid you to properly fuel your body and keep you in great shape.

The world of supplements is vast, and identifying which supplements you should use can be daunting. We find that sometimes, this can be so overwhelming that people just avoid supplements altogether. Instead, we have put together a list of ten supplements that we think every person should consider.

  1. Magnesium – When people suffer from magnesium deficiencies, there is a correlation between an increase in the prevalence of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and asthma. In addition, magnesium can be a problematic supplement to get in your regular diet.
  2. Vitamin D – This vitamin is linked to an improved immune system and can also help fight inflammation and swelling in your body. Additionally, Vitamin D can help to boost your ability to process calcium and improve bone formation.
  3. Vitamin K12 – Similarly to Vitamin D, Vitamin K12 can help with processing calcium. This supplement can help to reduce the potential of calcium buildup in your cardiovascular system and helps to reduce bone loss.
  4. Vitamin A – This supplement can treat different metabolic reactions. If your diet is low in organ meats, such as kidney, liver, and heart, taking a supplement can help to get you to the daily recommended value.
  5. Vitamin C – Vitamin C is a commonly known supplement that helps to boost your immune system. If you’ve gotten sick, we can often feel that increasing our orange juice intake can help kick the illness. Adding a supplement of Vitamin C can also help to reduce free radical damage, and helps promote tissue formation.
  6. Iodine – Iodine also helps to improve immune system function, but has the added benefits of improving thyroid and metabolic function. You may have noticed that your salt has been iodized, but for patients who are on low sodium diets, it can be challenging to get the proper amount of iodine in your diet. Iodine has also been shown to fight brain damage.
  7. L – Tyrosine – This supplement can help improve your immune system, blood flow, and internal organ function. While helping your body, you may also notice that this supplement also improves your overall mood and demeanor. L-Tyrosine has been linked to helping your brain respond to stress.
  8. Zinc and Copper – These supplements are often combined, but if not, taking them in combination adds a 1-2 punch as an antioxidant that can help boost your immune system.
  9. Fatty Acids – If you have taken any type of in-depth look at supplements, you have likely come across fish oil. The fatty acids within fish oil are essential to support brain function and muscle growth. You can also add krill oil, which is high in fatty acids and can add the benefits of a strong antioxidant.
  10. Methyl B12 – If you are concerned about helping to support and protect your brain, vitamin B12 can be a critical component to add to your supplement regimen. B12 is beneficial in preventing dementia and helping to maintain the nerves in your body.


When people look to determine what their supplement list should include, it is crucial to identify some specific areas that you would like to focus on. This list helps to provide a wide range of different issues where supplements can help. Of course, you should always consult with your medical provider to ensure that your supplements do not have a potential conflict with current medications.

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How to Pick the Best Supplements for You Wed, 15 Jul 2020 16:03:53 +0000 Many people who take supplements have a variety of different reasons for doing so. Supplements can often be used to help treat a specific condition, or for the desired effect. However, there are a large number of people who aren’t quite sure about why to take any type of additional supplement. Even if you believe that supplements are a great idea, it can still be hard to identify which choice is appropriate for you.

A Few Notes

Supplements and multivitamins have broad support from the medical community for almost every adult. Determining a supplement and vitamin regimen for you should take into account any issues that you are currently having, and account for your current dietary intake. When you look at your overall consumption, you can easily identify deficiencies and areas where a boost could have a positive effect on your health and wellbeing.

There are a variety of different manufacturers selling supplements and multivitamins. This does not mean that all supplements are created equally. Many supplements use lower quality ingredients or do not contain their stated ingredients. For this reason, it is essential to choose a highly trusted manufacturer. Quality supplements often cost slightly more than other choices, but you are better off to ensure that you are getting a good product.

Identify Your Need

Before you start looking into the types of supplements you should be taking, it is important to look at your current situation and where you would like to be in an ideal setting. This means taking a careful and thorough evaluation of your total health.

Many people taking supplements use them to aid their diet to fill their dietary needs. Others may suffer from a chronic condition, and supplements can help to reduce or eliminate discomfort. Once you have been able to identify what you want from your supplements, it is crucial to conduct thorough research. You should never start taking a supplement if you have read about the benefits of a single source. Instead, once you have found two authoritative and credible sources that have the same information, you can begin to move forward on that track.

Before taking a new supplement, you should also discuss your possible choices with your health care provider. Some supplements can negatively react with prescription medications, such as blood thinners. Another option to consider is if you can change or improve your diet to account for missing parts of a complete nutrition picture. While supplements can help to ensure you get the appropriate amount of nutrients, they cannot make up for an inferior diet.

General Supplements to Consider

While your list of supplements should be unique to you, several choices can benefit most adults.
If you are considering supplements, these are some of the most common selections.
13 Essential Vitamins – 13 essential vitamins help to contribute to a healthy body. Ensuring that your current diet has a healthy dose of all 13 can be useful. However, if you fall short on any one of them, you may feel poorly. Many people look for a multivitamin that can ensure they are getting the proper amount of these vitamins every day.

Calcium – Calcium is a hard substance that helps to build and strengthen your bones. However, due to the density of this mineral, you may want to consider finding an option that offers lower doses that you can take throughout the day. Doing so may help your body improve absorption. You should not try to exceed the daily recommended intake for calcium, though, so monitor your dosage carefully.

Iron – Current estimates suggest that over 2 billion people worldwide suffer from an iron deficiency. This can lead to a variety of health issues, including anemia. Iron can be found in a variety of foods that you can incorporate into your diet. However, if you are still falling under a recommended amount, supplements can help increase your iron consumption.


If you are considering supplements to improve your health, look carefully over your current situations before deciding what the best supplement regimen is for you.

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The Best Supplements for Arthritis Sat, 04 Jul 2020 15:52:50 +0000 Millions of Americans suffer from joint pain that stems from arthritis every single year. Arthritis can affect your ability to move large joints and the small joints in your fingers. This means that it can affect every aspect of your daily life, and dealing with the constant and persistent pain can be challenging to manage.

Fortunately, there are a variety of supplements that can help to ease this pain and give you some relief. When these supplements are used with an overall health plan, they can help you increase mobility and reduce pain. The ability to move again can add to your quality of life and allow you to enjoy interacting with the world around you.

Understanding Arthritis

There are several different types of arthritis, so it may be essential to understand what specific conditions cause or make your symptoms worse. The general diagnosis of arthritis is inflammation or swelling in the joints. While there are over 100 different types of arthritis, the two most common are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The causes of arthritis can be diverse but are most commonly associated with age or injury to a joint.

Arthritis can be a progressive condition. You may notice that what started as a dull ache and some soreness when moving can become a debilitating inability to move specific joints.

What You Can Do

When you begin to take a new supplement, it is vital to work closely with your doctor to monitor your current medications. Doing so ensures that specific supplements will not interfere with your prescriptions. In addition, your doctor can help suggest an overall routine that utilizes the benefits of supplements and combines the action with additional therapies.

Many different commercially available supplements tout their ability to combat the effects of arthritis. However, four specific supplement types appear to have more ability to fight arthritis than other approaches.

Turmeric and Curcumin – Turmeric is commonly used as an ingredient in a variety of different dishes such as sauces, teas, and smoothies. However, the active ingredient, curcumin, only make up three percent of the turmeric blend, so many physicians suggest that you look for a specific curcumin supplement. You should look to consume between 200 to 1,000 mg. of curcumin daily to experience the best results.

Ginger – Like turmeric, ginger is another root that contains anti-inflammatory ingredients to help combat arthritis. Ginger can be consumed fresh or in a supplement form. When you take ginger as a supplement, you should aim for between 100 and 225 mg. doses. You should specifically work with your doctor when you start taking ginger because it can interact with medications, specifically blood-thinning medications.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids – These supplements are often marketed as fish oil. This is due to the fact that fish like salmon contain high levels of Omega-3’s. This substance works very well for fighting inflammation and has a variety of other health benefits too. Many people do not eat enough fish as part of their normal diet to get the full advantage. However, you can find a variety of options over the counter supplements. Experts recommend that you consume somewhere between 250-500 mg. of fish oil per day.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate – All of the other options on this list help to fight the effects of arthritis, inflammation, and swelling of the joints. Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate do not help with swelling and arthritis, but instead, help to repair and form the cartilage in the joints. Many people take this mixture as a preventative from arthritis because of their ability to help strengthen the joints. However, the current reviews have been more mixed on this supplement, so you should discontinue use after six months if you do not see an improvement.


Several different supplements can help you feel better and take control of your life. However, using supplements alone may not be enough. You should work closely with your doctor to identify a supplement regimen combined with other therapeutic methods to control your arthritis.

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How to Rev Up Metabolism Even at 40+: Simple Diet Tips Wed, 22 Aug 2018 21:12:29 +0000 Metabolism is a key to weight loss and nutrition. In case you don’t know yet, there are certain things that slow it down, leading to weight gain and a host of other health problems, such as bloating and gassiness. And slow metabolism also becomes a problem coming with age – but there are ways on how to get it back to normal. In today’s post, we’ll discuss the basic tips to rev up your metabolism again even if you’re over 40.

According to studies, an adult woman can gain 1 and 1/1 lbs per year and pack on more than 40 lbs when she reaches her 50s, if she won’t do something about her muscle loss, stress and hormonal changes.

Healthy Metabolism for Women Over 40

If you want to boost your weight loss results, improve your metabolism in some ways that we’ll share in the following section. At the very least, you should see to it that your meals are about 400 calories – the amount to fuel your body with energy but without making you feel hungry. It is an effortless weight loss technique that you can apply in your life if you want to get more out of your weight loss and nutrition efforts.

Eat enough

Do not try cutting calories if you want to lose weight. Do not overdo it either. Did you know that cutting too much on it would ruin your metabolism? If you’re eating less than what your body requires for functioning well, your metabolism is negatively affected. Your body is throwing the brakes on it. When this happens, you will lose muscle tissue that you will use for energy instead of what it can from calories you’re consuming.

Drink cold water

As much as possible, choose it over room temperature drinking water. Some studies pointed out that drinking up to six cups of cold water could help in raising your body’s resting metabolic rate by about 50 calories per day, which is enough in losing up to five pounds annually. The reason drinking cold water is better than room temperature drinking water is due to the work that the body has to do in order to heat the water to room temperature.

To prevent muscle loss from happening, you should not deprive yourself – eat enough to avoid feeling hungry. You can have snacks in between meals, but make sure that they’re healthy to keep your metabolism going. For the best results, you may also want to eat every three or four hours as well.

Don’t avoid caffeine

Coffee is a good weight loss food provided you’re not overdoing it, too. This stimulant for the central nervous system can help in revving up your metabolism by up to 8%, translating to up to 174 calories daily. A cup of tea, on the other hand, can increase your metabolic rate by up to 12%. The compound that provides the boost metabolism with tea, according to studies, is catechins.

Avoid white carbs in your diet

If you want to boost your metabolism even at 40s, you may also consider replacing white carbs with whole-wheat pasta and bread as well as eating more leafy green vegetables and fruits. According to research and studies, fiber from these sources can improve your body’s fat-burning ability by up to 30%.

Follow these tips and improve your metabolism today!

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Why Your Diet Isn’t Working? Here Are the Answers Wed, 01 Aug 2018 20:58:50 +0000 Losing weight is a tough challenge. At certain points, you will feel that you’re doing the right things but then not getting the results you’re expecting. One reason is that you may be hindering your progress due to outdated advice or misguidance.

Common Weight Loss Mistakes People Make

See the following for weight loss mistakes that many fitness seekers are making, so they’re halting their progress.

Relying too much on the weighing scale

It is common to feel as if you’re not losing weight even if you’re faithfully following a diet plan. And what makes it worse for some is they’re relying too much on the numbers they see on the scale when trying to monitor their weight change.

Know that the weighing scale is not an accurate tool to indicate that you are or not losing weight. The reason is that our weight is influenced by other things, such as the remaining food in your body and the fluid fluctuations happening inside it.

Speaking of fluctuation, did you know that your weight could fluctuate up to four pounds in one day – and that is according to how much liquid or food you have consumed. For women, another factor that contributes to fluid retention is hormonal changes the weighing scale is indicating.

So if the numbers on the weighing scale isn’t moving, you may be losing fat mass, but still your body is keeping much water.

Overestimating the number of calories that you’re spending during workouts

Many people think and believe that exercise can speed up their metabolism. While exercising can help you burn more calories, it is not to be the sole factor to help you determine how much calories you’re burning. In fact, it (calories) might be less than what you believe, and this applies to both overweight and normal weight people. For example, a study had it that most people burned only up to 300 calories in one exercise session, but when asked, they overestimated and claimed to have burned 800 calories.

So while exercise is crucial for weight loss, it is not the sole factor that will affect the amount of calories you will burn and that it might not be as effective when burning calories contrary to popular belief.

Not consuming enough protein

Enough protein consumption is one of the most crucial contributors to weight loss. The more muscle you gain the better your body will be in burning calories for energy. Protein can help you lose and manage weight in some ways.

In general, it can help in increasing the feeling of fullness, reducing appetite, increasing metabolic rate, decreasing caloric intake and protecting muscle mass while losing weight. So in order to get the most of your weight loss effort, you should not forget including more protein in your diet.

Not having enough fiber

If you’re not consuming enough of it, you will compromise your weight loss efforts. According to studies, soluble fiber can help in reducing appetite because it can form a gel to hold water. Such gel can move slowly through the digestive tract and keep you feeling full.

All types of fiber are good for weight loss because they can reduce your appetite and calorie intake. By consuming higher fiber in your diet, you can reduce the number of calories your body will absorb from the food you’re eating. It will lead to reduction in overall daily calorie intake. And by following this tip, you can have the potential of absorbing up to 130 calories.

Trying to lose weight, some weight loss seekers, whether intentionally or unintentionally, commit mistakes that ruin their diet and give them poor progress. To prevent the same thing from happening, avoid these mistakes and get more out of your diet efforts today!

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Best Foods to Eat for Healthy Eating Sun, 29 Apr 2018 19:51:54 +0000 Knowing what foods to eat will help you make better food choices. If you’re interested to know what food to add to your shopping cart by the next time you visit the grocery store, keep reading the following section.

Healthy Eating: Best Foods to Eat

If you’re ready to succeed in healthy eating and finally adapt a healthy lifestyle for good, check out the following list for the types of food to add in your diet.

  • Frozen vegetables: Those who do not have much time in preparing their meals but want to choose the healthy stuff, they can rely on frozen veggies, which will be ready to munch on or add to stir-fries. On the other hand, if you’d opt for frozen meals, make sure that they are the healthy varieties containing fewer than 400 calories and have less than 500mg of salt. Speaking of low sodium, you might also want to choose low sodium meat. For example, you might want to have wholegrain bread added with hummus and veggies.
  • Whole grains: Those people who eat more of these are leaner and healthier than their same aged counterparts are. Wholegrain sources contain loads of antioxidants, phytosterols and phytoestrogens, which can protect versus heart disease. They also contain fiber that can also lower someone’s risk of heart disease.
  • Raisins: Studies had it that they contain loads of antioxidants, which can prevent gum disease and inflammation due to a certain type of bacteria. Gum disease is one of the reasons some people are suffering from a heart problem.
  • Non-fat milk: Studies had it that drinking two glasses of it post workout will   help you lose more fat and gain more muscle.
  • Greek yogurt: It contains more protein than the regular variety has, aside from being creamier. You might want to use it in place of sour cream.
  • Wholegrain crackers, pasta and cereal: When shopping for these foods, try looking for those with protein of at least five grams and fiber of at least three grams. Both nutrients are filling and can make you feeling satisfied, reducing your food cravings and calorie intake.
  • Add soluble fiber in your diet because they can lower your bad cholesterol level. The soluble fiber is binding with bile acid, which is needed for fat digestion. Humans cannot digest fiber.  When the bile acids are binding to fiber, they are flushed out the body.  As this happens, the body is converting more of the cholesterol into these bile acids, which can lower the overall amount of cholesterol circulating in the body. Some foods rich in fiber are oatmeal, eggplant, citrus fruits and beans.
  • Canola oil: It is one of the healthiest oil alternatives around because it is a source of monounsaturated fat, which is heart healthy. You can choose it for frying instead of the traditional oil.

Summing Up

Eating healthily, you will improve your mood, wellbeing and overall health.  By adding these best foods into your diet, you will be able to stay fit, manage weight and keep a healthy lifestyle

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Beginners Guide to Healthy Eating Mon, 19 Mar 2018 16:43:42 +0000 A healthy diet can nourish your body, mind and soul so you can perform better in all aspects of your life. Specific foods and nutrients can strengthen your body, give you more energy, sharpen your mind, reduce your risk of disease, and boost your mood and well-being. Read on below for some tips as well as mistakes to avoid on your journey to healthy eating.

Simple Advice for Beginners to Healthy Eating

  • Build a healthy and balanced diet: Create a healthy and balanced diet that consists of protein, fat, fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Choose the healthiest options from each food category.
  • Eat whole real foods: Eat natural, unprocessed foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, beans and whole grains, which are nutrient-dense and are at their healthiest state.
  • Enjoy a colorful variety of fruits and vegetables: Eat a colorful variety of fruits and vegetables so you can benefit from a wide array of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Go for apples, oranges, blueberries, strawberries, carrots, red and yellow bell peppers, olives, leafy greens – the more colorful, the better.
  • Go for lean protein: Go for sources of lean protein such as lean meats, skinless chicken, eggs, beans and lentils, soy foods, dairy, nuts, seeds and fish.
  • Eat healthy fats: Eat healthy fats from sources such as avocados, nuts, seeds and fatty fish.
  • Cook with healthy oils: Use healthy oils such as virgin coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil.
  • Practice healthy snacking: Instead of reaching for processed snack foods, try snacking on fresh fruits such as apples, bananas and strawberries. You can also try carrot sticks, cucumber slices or cherry tomatoes. Or munch on a handful of nuts such as pistachios, almonds and walnuts.
  • Avoid highly processed foods: Avoid or cut back on highly processed foods such as prepared meats, chips and candy. Highly processed foods contain harmful ingredients such as trans fats, high fructose corn syrup, and high concentrations of sugars and salts, which pose health risks.
  • Avoid sugar-sweetened beverages: Avoid soda and sugary drinks. Opt for water instead. If you would like to drink something with more flavors, you can go for other healthier choices such as tea, milk or freshly squeezed fruit juices.
  • Avoid processed low-fat products: People often think that low-fat products are healthy alternatives, but processed low-fat products usually contain a lot of sugar to improve their taste.
  • Avoid an all or nothing mindset: When you are transitioning to a healthier diet, you don’t need to have an all or nothing mindset. Your diet doesn’t have to be perfect and you don’t need to completely give up and eliminate the foods you enjoy. You don’t have to change everything in your diet all at once. This will just lead to you cheating, binge eating or giving up on your new healthy eating plan.

You can still enjoy your favorites such as cake or chocolate – just limit your intake and enjoy them occasionally in moderate amounts. Eating a healthy diet can have a huge impact on your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Start with small steps and see how healthy eating can greatly improve your quality of life.

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Best In-Home Exercises For Men Sat, 03 Feb 2018 21:55:46 +0000 at-home-exercise-for-menOur body is our treasure and as treasures go, we keep it healthy and clean to maintain and increase its value. Yes, it also includes enhancing it. An enhanced body would mean a healthy, well-groomed and toned body that make up this one ripped, sexy treasure.

Why is it significant?

Having a ripped body is important for men not only because it defines masculinity and makes you look sexy. Men find having a toned body significant because it means that you are healthy and fit. A healthy and toned body can make you look and feel confident in yourself.

Men invest in body building because of the many opportunities that present itself when the man’s build is strong and in physique. Diet is not enough. So for men who opt not to go to the gym, there are quick and easy ways to get your body ripped while you work them out within the comforts of your home or within your vicinity.

Exercises to Get Your Body Ripped

Doing exercises regularly is a fast and easy way to define your muscles. In working in your tone, you must have two objectives: one is to burn or eliminate the fat; two is to enhance your muscles. Here are some common and easy exercises that you can do –

  • Squat and Shoulder Press. Stand with feet apart, hold weights on both hands (lbs should be according to your weight). Bend your knees and squat, pause, and then stand and punch the arms up. Repeat this 20 times and in three sets. This routine should work with your leg and arm muscles.
  • Push Ups. This is the easiest and most common type of exercise to define your shoulder and arm muscles. Do 20 to 30 push ups, 2 to 3 sets every day to develop your muscles.
  • The simple use of weights: first extend your arms below, then fold your arms, and then stretch the weights above your head. Repeat this 20 times in three sets and it should work with the biceps.
  • Sit ups. Sit ups are the fastest way to define your abs. A routine of 20 to 30 sit ups for 3 sets every day can quickly develop your stomach muscles in 4 weeks.
  • Side plank. The side plank is an exercise where you are lying on your side and you relax your upper body while the legs move up and down in a rhythm. The point of energy should be taken from your side and stomach area, toning the side muscles of your stomach and the outer leg part. Three sets of 30 every day should be able to develop your muscles quickly in 4 weeks.

What does a great body entail? The right curves, the right build and the right muscles in all the right places – to get that body, you have to work hard for it, train hard physically to define your muscles. The physical training may be exhausting, but the reward will be fulfilling.


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5 Foods to Support a Healthy Digestion Wed, 24 Jan 2018 23:23:01 +0000 healthy_digestionThe digestive system plays a big, important role in our overall health. It is vital in help us get our proteins and fats, vitamins and minerals from the food we eat so that they are distributed to parts of the body. The proper breaking down of these needed nutrients relies on our digestion working efficiently. Our role is to help make sure it keeps working that that way. The foods we eat could help fuel a good digestion. Here are 5 foods that can help.


  1. Yogurt – any gastroenterologist will tell you that probiotics, the friendly bacteria found in yogurt, can increase the presence of helpful microorganisms living in your digestive tract. This benefits your digestion and will help reduce cases of constipation and diarrhea as well as ease IBS or irritable bowel syndrome, a gut condition that causes frequent trips to the comfort room.


  1. Ginger – known to be the miracle cure for several tummy aches and pain, this kitchen staple also helps speed up digestion so that food is processed and moved from the stomach to the small intestines faster. That means faster absorption of nutrients too. Try sipping more ginger teas and nibble on some ginger treats from now on.


  1. Peppermint – there is a good reason for including peppermint in many recipes and it is not just for flavor alone. It helps ease digestion, it works as an antispasmodic and relaxes the bowels thus a regular intake could help reduce IBS symptoms.


  1. Pickled cabbage – commonly known as sauerkraut, this fermented chopped cabbage contains beneficial bacteria that can significantly ease digestion. Try adding pickled cabbage to your sandwiches and benefit from better balanced stomach pH, reduced heartburn and better breakdown of proteins.


  1. Beans, whole grains, berries and other fibrous fruits and veggies – at least 25 grams of fiber daily will help keep your digestive system up and running smoothly. A cup of beans, for instance, will give you about 20 grams of fiber. And contrary to what most of us believe, fiber will not cause an increase of stomach gas. Instead, it can help reduce flatulence. While there is nothing wrong with passing gas, you don’t want it happening during unfavorable circumstances so eat your fiber. With fiber, you fill full without the heavy feeling.


Staying properly hydrated everyday will also give you a friendly digestive system. Good digestion is about eating right but partner that with the right amount of fluid and you are sure to be on the right track. Just watch your intake of carbonated, caffeinated or alcohol drinks especially if you have other health conditions. Water will be your best option.


Digestive discomfort should not become part of your life if you can help it by knowing what to eat or what to add to your diet.


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