Top 5 Things You Can Do To Lose Weight
Weight is something people of all ages struggle with. However, as you get older, weight loss becomes more and more challenging. This is because the metabolism slows down, and shedding excess pounds of fat requires more effort. Weight loss is not only important for self-confidence reasons, but is also necessary for overall health and wellness. Sadly, carrying around too much body fat can lead to type 2 diabetes, joint damage, heart disease, and even cancer. Fortunately there are changes you can make to encourage real weight loss, and keep those pounds off for good. Here are the top five things you can do to lose weight.
1. Workout
Regular exercise is a great way to drop excess weight and keep the body fit. By combining cardiovascular exercise with strength training, you optimize your workouts. Shoot for three to five 30-minute exercise sessions each week. If you do not want to spend money on a monthly gym membership, consider purchasing a treadmill or an elliptical machine for your home. There are also plenty of simple and inexpensive fitness DVDs available that combine strength training and cardio for a complete workout in a short period of time. Regular workouts will elevate the metabolism, increase energy levels, and get your heart rate up.
2. Diet Programs
There is a plethora of diet programs at your disposal. The reality is many of them work, if you are willing to commit. The key is to find the right diet program that suits your needs and weight loss goals. Many diets require that you cut calories, because the fewer calories you consume, the fewer calories your body has to store as fat. Try cutting your daily caloric intake to 1,200 calories. Make sure the foods you consume are rich in vitamins and minerals. Think fresh fruits and vegetables, whole gains, beans and legumes, and lean meats like poultry and fish. Drinking ample amounts of water will also stave off hunger, and assist with weight loss.
3. Hire a Trainer
Some people need a little extra nudge when it comes to weight loss. If you just can’t seem to motivate yourself, try hiring a personal trainer. These fitness experts are usually available at local gyms, and some will actually come to your home for regular sessions if needed. The right personal trainer will keep you motivated and make your workout sessions count. If you can afford it, hiring a trainer is worth it.
4. Take a Supplement
Don’t overlook weight loss supplements and meal-replacement products. Most of these supplements, shakes, powders, and bars are conveniently available online, and many can be found in local supercenters and drugstores. Over-the-counter weight loss products contain natural ingredients like Green Tea, Raspberry Ketones, Hoodia Gordonii Extract, Green Coffee Bean, and Garcinia Cambogia to aid with weight management. The right supplement can help boost the metabolism, increase energy levels, and suppress appetite. There are also protein shakes and bars available that can be used as low-calorie meal replacements. This is a great way to cut out some calories, sugar, and fat.
5. Keep Moving
Although this may sound simple, it’s not. Many people have trouble staying mobile. In fact, these days most people work at desks and computers, which means less movement and physical activity on a daily basis. So, anytime you can, get up and walk around. Try taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Ride a bicycle to work if it is nearby. Do some simple exercises while watching television, such as air squats, jumping jacks, push ups, or simply jogging in place. Everything counts!
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