• 09 JAN 18
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    Best Sport Activities To Lose Weight While Having Fun

    Best Sport Activities To Lose Weight While Having Fun

    An effective way to stay slim and healthy is by burning unwanted fat. But that does not mean you can’t have fun wile doing so. Weight loss programs and dietary products require spending a lot of money. However, there’s a good alternative to this, which you can perform without spending too much money. The best part is you will be having fun while losing weight. Read on to learn a few ways how to lose weight while having fun by doing sports and various activities.

    One of the main reasons for failure in the weight loss battle for many is boredom. During the weight-loss process, you may feel being stripped off excitement and motivation to continue with your dieting and exercises. An elliptical machine or a stationary bike doesn’t have to be the only means to obtain a total body workout. Play a few sports that you haven’t tried before. They increase your metabolism and you will find your exercise routine to be refreshed. With good sport activities, you will get a fun workout and still burn lots of calories. Here are a few of them:


    • Ice Skating:

    If the outdoor weather is not suitable enough, get to an indoor ice skating rink. As long as you avoid jumping, this sport does not hurt your joints and is a low-impact aerobic exercise. You burn calories as a result of the balancing movements and also due to the lateral and forward motions on the skates. Inner and outer thighs of the body, the lower back and the glutes all receive workouts. It is advisable to begin with a few lessons to play this sport.

    For Ice Skating, Calories Burned: Approx. 475 to 495 calories per hour (for a body weight of 150 lbs).

     indoor rock climbing

    • Indoor Rock Climbing:

    According to research, rock climbing has been proved to build strength and bring your fitness levels – both aerobic and anaerobic to new heights. It is not necessary to go rock climbing only in the outdoors by batting the forces of nature. You can very well do it indoors in a safe environment that is climate-controlled. Bring out the kid in you by learning its rules and techniques. You will need suitable shoes for this sport and may have to learn a few basic skills before being able to comfortably do rock climbing.

    For Rock Climbing, Calories Burned: Approx. 770 calories per hour (for a body weight of 150 lbs).


    • Tennis:

    Sport activities like tennis help an individual to remain looking healthy while at the same time have fun. The benefits provided by this sport include a healthy lifestyle, increased metabolism rate, etc. Racquet sports are an excellent means of training your body. Not only do you experience weight loss, but reflexes and motor skills are also improved. It is a challenging sport as you work on your core strength, hand-eye coordination, and quick feet. You can enjoy tennis by taking a friend or a family member with you to a tennis court.

    For Tennis, Calories Burned: Approx. 490-570 calories per hour (for a body weight of 150 lbs).


    • Bicycling:

    Bicycling is a great fun activity for many. Yet, if weight loss by biking is your goal, the workout has to be structured different from a casual ride. The distance you bike, the intensity at which you bike, the kind of bike you ride, etc. are important factors in losing weight while biking. It is a sport that offers playful activity while having fun, no matter whether you bike alone or in a group.

    For Biking (12-13.9mph, moderate), Calories Burned: Approx. 560 calories per hour (for a body weight of 150 lbs).


    • Children’s Games:

    Instead of staying indoor all the time and watching tv, on sunny days, go out and play games with children. This not only ensures quality time with the children, but also provides an inexpensive fun way to be active and lose weight. There are different kinds of children’s games including hopscotch, dodge ball, 4-square, T-ball, Jacks, Tetherball, Marbles, etc.

    For Children’s Games, Calories Burned: Approx. 340 calories per hour (for a body weight of 150 lbs).


    Playing sport activities to lose weight while having fun is the best way to burn calories and get back on track. No matter whether you choose to play indoors or outdoors, selecting a sport appropriate to your body’s required calorie burning level while having fun is the main criteria to stay motivated.


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