string SupplementReviewDigest – Page 2 – Responsive Medical Health WordPress Theme
    • 28 APR 21
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    Is fish oil really worth all the hype?

    Is fish oil really worth all the hype?

    Fish oil and fish oil supplements have gained popularity over the years for health benefits. Companies promote fish oil as a way to improve your heart and mental health. Fish oil comes in the form of supplements, while other companies add it to their products. With these health benefits of fish oil, some claim that

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    • 22 APR 21
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    What are prebiotics? Your guide to their benefits and best sources

    What are prebiotics? Your guide to their benefits and best sources

    Trust your gut. This is something we all strive to do, but keeping your gut healthy is another issue altogether. With the recent and growing belief that good overall health starts in the gut, you’ve likely heard about the importance of maintaining the health of your gut microbiome and the role probiotics play in it.

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    • 15 APR 21
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    6 food label promises that sound healthy but aren’t

    6 food label promises that sound healthy but aren’t

    Many food labels include promises that sound healthy. Reduced fat. Sugar-free. Plant-based. These terms imply the food is healthy. In reality, these claims are misleading or even meaningless. For example, “reduced fat” products may still contain unhealthy ingredients and additives. “Sugar free” products usually contain artificial sweeteners and other chemicals. And “plant-based” may indicate a

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    • 08 APR 21
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    5 mental and psychological causes of stomach problems

    5 mental and psychological causes of stomach problems

    Did you know that there is a strong connection between your brain and your gut? It’s why you get that feeling of “butterflies” in your stomach. It’s the reason for the term “gut-wrenching.”  Your stomach and intestines are affected and influenced by your brain. In fact, that connection is so strong that doctors and scientists

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    • 31 MAR 21
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    Pre-workout supplements: good or bad?

    Pre-workout supplements: good or bad?

    Pre-workout supplements have been a hot topic in the fitness industry for years. Some people swear by these supplements to help them get through their workouts while others are skeptical of their usefulness and effectiveness, not to mention the side effects they may cause. For many people, if you’re looking to get a little extra

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    • 25 MAR 21
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    What are the benefits of probiotic supplements?

    What are the benefits of probiotic supplements?

    Probiotics are live microorganisms that are most commonly used to help balance out the good and bad bacteria in the gut.  When people think of bacteria, they often associate it with a negative connotation. But as they have become more common in today’s society, awareness of gut issues — and the bacteria that either cause

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