string 5 Foods to Support a Healthy Digestion – SupplementReviewDigest
    • 24 JAN 18
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    5 Foods to Support a Healthy Digestion

    5 Foods to Support a Healthy Digestion

    healthy_digestionThe digestive system plays a big, important role in our overall health. It is vital in help us get our proteins and fats, vitamins and minerals from the food we eat so that they are distributed to parts of the body. The proper breaking down of these needed nutrients relies on our digestion working efficiently. Our role is to help make sure it keeps working that that way. The foods we eat could help fuel a good digestion. Here are 5 foods that can help.


    1. Yogurt – any gastroenterologist will tell you that probiotics, the friendly bacteria found in yogurt, can increase the presence of helpful microorganisms living in your digestive tract. This benefits your digestion and will help reduce cases of constipation and diarrhea as well as ease IBS or irritable bowel syndrome, a gut condition that causes frequent trips to the comfort room.


    1. Ginger – known to be the miracle cure for several tummy aches and pain, this kitchen staple also helps speed up digestion so that food is processed and moved from the stomach to the small intestines faster. That means faster absorption of nutrients too. Try sipping more ginger teas and nibble on some ginger treats from now on.


    1. Peppermint – there is a good reason for including peppermint in many recipes and it is not just for flavor alone. It helps ease digestion, it works as an antispasmodic and relaxes the bowels thus a regular intake could help reduce IBS symptoms.


    1. Pickled cabbage – commonly known as sauerkraut, this fermented chopped cabbage contains beneficial bacteria that can significantly ease digestion. Try adding pickled cabbage to your sandwiches and benefit from better balanced stomach pH, reduced heartburn and better breakdown of proteins.


    1. Beans, whole grains, berries and other fibrous fruits and veggies – at least 25 grams of fiber daily will help keep your digestive system up and running smoothly. A cup of beans, for instance, will give you about 20 grams of fiber. And contrary to what most of us believe, fiber will not cause an increase of stomach gas. Instead, it can help reduce flatulence. While there is nothing wrong with passing gas, you don’t want it happening during unfavorable circumstances so eat your fiber. With fiber, you fill full without the heavy feeling.


    Staying properly hydrated everyday will also give you a friendly digestive system. Good digestion is about eating right but partner that with the right amount of fluid and you are sure to be on the right track. Just watch your intake of carbonated, caffeinated or alcohol drinks especially if you have other health conditions. Water will be your best option.


    Digestive discomfort should not become part of your life if you can help it by knowing what to eat or what to add to your diet.


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