string Ten Supplements Everyone Should Consider – SupplementReviewDigest
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    Ten Supplements Everyone Should Consider

    Ten Supplements Everyone Should Consider

    While you should try to get all of your nutrients through a regularly balanced and healthy diet, we all know that it can be difficult for the average person to track their intake throughout the day. Supplements are a great tool to help aid you to properly fuel your body and keep you in great shape.

    The world of supplements is vast, and identifying which supplements you should use can be daunting. We find that sometimes, this can be so overwhelming that people just avoid supplements altogether. Instead, we have put together a list of ten supplements that we think every person should consider.

    1. Magnesium – When people suffer from magnesium deficiencies, there is a correlation between an increase in the prevalence of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and asthma. In addition, magnesium can be a problematic supplement to get in your regular diet.
    2. Vitamin D – This vitamin is linked to an improved immune system and can also help fight inflammation and swelling in your body. Additionally, Vitamin D can help to boost your ability to process calcium and improve bone formation.
    3. Vitamin K12 – Similarly to Vitamin D, Vitamin K12 can help with processing calcium. This supplement can help to reduce the potential of calcium buildup in your cardiovascular system and helps to reduce bone loss.
    4. Vitamin A – This supplement can treat different metabolic reactions. If your diet is low in organ meats, such as kidney, liver, and heart, taking a supplement can help to get you to the daily recommended value.
    5. Vitamin C – Vitamin C is a commonly known supplement that helps to boost your immune system. If you’ve gotten sick, we can often feel that increasing our orange juice intake can help kick the illness. Adding a supplement of Vitamin C can also help to reduce free radical damage, and helps promote tissue formation.
    6. Iodine – Iodine also helps to improve immune system function, but has the added benefits of improving thyroid and metabolic function. You may have noticed that your salt has been iodized, but for patients who are on low sodium diets, it can be challenging to get the proper amount of iodine in your diet. Iodine has also been shown to fight brain damage.
    7. L – Tyrosine – This supplement can help improve your immune system, blood flow, and internal organ function. While helping your body, you may also notice that this supplement also improves your overall mood and demeanor. L-Tyrosine has been linked to helping your brain respond to stress.
    8. Zinc and Copper – These supplements are often combined, but if not, taking them in combination adds a 1-2 punch as an antioxidant that can help boost your immune system.
    9. Fatty Acids – If you have taken any type of in-depth look at supplements, you have likely come across fish oil. The fatty acids within fish oil are essential to support brain function and muscle growth. You can also add krill oil, which is high in fatty acids and can add the benefits of a strong antioxidant.
    10. Methyl B12 – If you are concerned about helping to support and protect your brain, vitamin B12 can be a critical component to add to your supplement regimen. B12 is beneficial in preventing dementia and helping to maintain the nerves in your body.


    When people look to determine what their supplement list should include, it is crucial to identify some specific areas that you would like to focus on. This list helps to provide a wide range of different issues where supplements can help. Of course, you should always consult with your medical provider to ensure that your supplements do not have a potential conflict with current medications.

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